Why Change Fails

Do you know why so many people fail at making change in their lives?
Same reason as why so many companies invest millions of dollars in change and development programs that don’t go anywhere.
They don’t start with making space.
Making space is the most important pre-element of change.
People are overwhelmed right now.
If you try to introduce a change program or offer personal development, it all sounds great in the moment, but then they leave and go back to their lives. Where’s there’s overwhelm. A ton of things pulling for their attention. Maybe a fire here and there.
In overwhelm, you revert back to what you know. To old habits.
The new stuff goes out the window.
It’s not that people don’t want development. There’s the odd person who couldn’t care about growth. But most people crave it. It gives them satisfaction. Joy, even. It feels good to be growing in alignment with your values. It’s the definition of thriving.
People need the tools to get out of overwhelm and into empowerment. That starts with learning to make space.
#leadership #leadchange #thinkingdifferently #personaldevelopment #personalgrowth #thrivingnotsurviving

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