Is All Good Communication Content Marketing?

There’s a way in which all good communication is content marketing.

Let me explain.

I was in Vancouver this week and decided to attend a local networking breakfast event.

During the meeting, the organizers raised a concern. They had been getting complaints about the reminder emails they sent out to members about the weekly event and wanted to know people’s opinions about the emails.

One man said he wouldn’t have shown up that morning without the reminder email.

Others voiced that the emails were too long and the content unnecessary and that the organizers could make better use of their time not writing the emails and put that time into other areas of their business.

The organizer, however, explained that the intention of the emails was to attract guests to attend.

The Problem

Two goals; two audiences:

  • Remind current members about the meeting
  • Attract new people who might want to check out a meeting and eventually become members.


Create content that is inspiring to both audiences.

1. Recognize the underlying communication objective common to both parties: to communicate that the events are valuable and you should come out for them.

The problem? If the current email isn’t accomplishing this for members, it’s probably not doing the best job of exciting new people either.

As I listened to the conversation, I scribbled some notes on a sticky and presented them to the organizers. Follow this link to see the before and after communications.

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