“… your brain at positive performs significantly better than at negative, neutral or stressed. Your intelligence rises, your creativity rises, your energy levels rise.
In fact, we’ve found that every single business outcome improves.”
Shawn Achor, author of The Happiness Advantage
Is Corporate Mindfulness a Practical Solution?
Mindfulness isn’t always that practical – unless you’re defining your deeper goals. People treat mindfulness as though it’s a single method. In reality, it’s a multitude of techniques, processes and tools.
Even the meditation part that’s so commonly included in mindfulness training does not consist of a specific practice. In fact, there are 3-4 commonly taught meditations (and endless variations on those) each with their own methods and outcomes that serve different needs.
Rather than providing rigid mindfulness programs (one of the complaints against corporate mindfulness), my approach is client-centered. I provide structures and frameworks that explain the purpose of the practices and allow you as an individual or organization to create your unique practice plan based on your current situation, needs and desires.
Change Management: Making Space for New Conversations
Corporate mindfulness and resiliency provide essential support to employees in the face of stress and daily workplace demands.
That makes them essential components of change management. Change is challenging at the organizational level. One reason for that is because so many employees are at the brink of what they can take on. Corporate mindfulness and resiliency trainings change the way people interact with themselves and others – and even their workplace tasks. That frees up space and energy for new conversations to take place.
Please note that we’re in the midst of revising offerings to focus on advanced mindfulness and personal evolution services. Please get in touch to see what’s available to you and your organization.
Mindfulness in the Workplace
Mindfulness helps you calm your mind and emotions, so you can work and live with greater ease and awareness. Without mindfulness, people (and therefore, organizations) tend to be stuck in reactivity, on autopilot, with little freedom or choice.
Mindfulness empowers you. You become increasingly emotional intelligent and less likely to get hijacked by your emotions and thoughts. You begin to peel away limitations – stuff that’s not useful to you. That awareness gives you more choice over who you want to be and what you want to be doing.
Mindfulness isn’t a single practice, it’s more of a way of approaching life that leads to a healthier psyche.
Stress Busting (Resiliency Training)
Overwhelm, health issues, reduced productivity, loss of creativity, eroding of interpersonal relationships… stress has a lot of costs. Chronic stress leads to burn out.
Researchers are currently estimating the costs of stress to corporate America at over $300 billion a year. Those corporate costs come in the forms of lost productivity, absenteeism, burnout and turnover. That figure is even higher if rising health costs are factored in.
Do you want a resilient workforce? Resilient employees can deliver their best in the face of any challenge – and still retain their zest for life and work.
Being able to navigate and reduce stress is critical to resiliency. Employees need support on that front. Here’re some things we cover in training:
- Understand the causes of stress and develop strategies rather than feeling helpless.
- Discover skills to achieve goals with greater clarity of mind – and without losing your sense of humor or health along the way.
- Explore what it means to fill your own cup first and to give to others from the overflow – rather than constantly depleting yourself.
- Learn how to tap back into your strength quickly and even under pressure.
If you’re concerned mindfulness may be a bit woo-woo for your company culture, then the stress course may be a good fit for you. Once your employees experience the benefits, they’ll be back for more.
Meditation Made Easy
The explosion of scientific research on meditation is revealing a long list of benefits – from the physical such as lowering your blood pressure, boosting your immune system – to the emotional and mental – increasing mindfulness so you stop blindly reacting to events and even rewiring your brain for happiness.
But the practice of meditation is another matter. It can be confusing, difficult and sometimes frustrating. People often try and give up.
There’s a surprising amount of misinformation around meditation – starting with the idea that meditation is one thing. Actually, there are many practices that fall under the term meditation. It’s important for people to find the practice that suits them – their goals, challenges and lifestyle. Quite often, small tweaks can make huge differences for people.
This course is about using meditation in real life (ie. practical applications for day-to-day living) – making meditation an easy and enjoyable practice; no lotus positions or shaved heads required:
- Learn various meditations and the benefits of each.
- Break through some of the common meditation obstacles and myths to make meditation practice easier and more fulfilling.
- Learn quick and easy-to-implement meditation tools based on what you want to accomplish.
Psychological Safety at Work: Eliminating Workplace Toxicity and Politics
In a survey of 7,300 employeess by Globe Careers and Howatt HR, 56% said their workplace culture isn’t positive and 60% of respondents reported little trust between employees and management.
That costs money. Unhealthy cultures and workplace tension have been estimated to cost corporations more than $200 billion in the U.S. alone.
Research has uncovered surprising information on toxic workplaces and teams:
1. Traditional ‘solutions’ rarely work (and, in fact, often further harm victims who frequently end up leaving their jobs).
2. The people most targeted aren’t ‘weaklings; they’re the emotionally intelligent and high performers. Yup, your best people are at risk – often repeatedly thwarted from delivering their finest for your company.
3. This problem is called the ‘invisible epidemic.’ All of this can happen right under your nose with you having little awareness of it. As a manager, you may think your workplace is positive. Do your employees feel the same way?
The secret to high performance collaboration and teamwork is the ability to create psychological safety. It’s a culture of interpersonal respect and trust in which everyone feels safe to be themselves and take interpersonal risks. It’s a learned skill that involves understanding what makes workplaces and relationships toxic in the first place.
Please contact us to find out more.